Lessons for Children

“Music education opens doors that help children pass from school into the world around them – a world of work, culture, intellectual activity, and human involvement. The future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music.”  – Gerald Ford

Research has shown that the study of music greatly contributes to brain development and benefits a child's speech processing, strengthens their working memory, and improves their motor skills.

Learning music is an activity that greatly supports and benefits students in other areas of their life. It teaches discipline, responsibility, and time management.

Students who have formal music training at a young age score better on standardized tests, have more confidence, and are more conscientious and empathetic. In addition, studying music often results in higher self-esteem and better overall mental health.

It is always amazing for us to witness and learn about the abundances of benefits a person receives when they play and learn music!

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